Awakening to My SOUL & Beyond…

2016 was the year it was written in the stars.

The year I would awaken to my Soul, to my magnificent Higher Self and it happened FAST. All in divine timing and orchestration.

Big deep Soul questions began to arise within me that I couldn’t shake away.

“Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose of being alive? There has to be something greater for me than this life I am living”

At that time I was a Christian, married, living in the same home town in Virginia I was born and raised in, leading a successful career in the medical device industry, following the “societal” path. I struggled with episodes of major depression and was on/off anti-depressants for almost a decade, far from feeling real happiness and satiated in life. I never really felt like I fit in although I did a pretty good job at pretending I did. People pleasing, adopting others’ beliefs and “accepted” ways of living, constantly seeking outside validation to feel “good enough,” that I belonged, or that I was loved through religion, relationships, career, money, old paradigm programs and systems, and not knowing truly who I was and why I was here. I silently suffered for sooo long.

All part of the divine plan and unfolding for my journey. and I honor that precious Emily and her path with great reverence.

Then 2016 entered in...

At the time, I didn’t know what Soul really meant and certainly did not feel at all connected to who I truly was. I had also had a near death experience years prior and my life felt confusing because I knew deep down I was here for something greater but I didn’t know what that meant…yet!

And a massive Spiritual Awakening journey began which shifted my entire reality as I knew it.

Unable to shake away these two profound questions…“Who am I? Why am I here?” which were constantly running through me as the tools for my awakening spark….nothing else mattered to me at this time than coming into this truth

I would spend hours in nature by myself asking these big questions of my existence, alot of it under the stars talking with the Universe as all the answers began pouring in. My intuition turned on and so much magic began unfolding. I didnt know what Higher Self was at the time, but I knew it was a higher power coming through me and I was naturally high on life. My depression fully healed and I was falling madly in love with mySelf for what felt like the first time. It was all coming from the most beautiful place within as I was awakening to the truth of who I am and reclaiming my power.

I questioned everything in my reality from religion to the medical and school systems, friendships, my marriage, inner programs, ways of operating in all areas of my life… literally shattering illusions of ways of living and being that I once knew to be true and safe. I was stepping into my power like never before and I felt liberated. And that is just a fraction of what shifted as many life transitions and inner realizations were happening as I was expanding my consciousness and my new reality was anchoring in. The old ways, relationships and "former” reality was dissolving/evolving as I was being upgraded to an entirely new dimensional reality.

In a short amount of time, a new way of being and a new reality was present within me. I began living in a way I never thought possible, anchored in Self love, empowerment and pure magic. Early 2017 I ended my marriage amicably, moved to Peru and legally changed my last name to Moon. The Emily who awakened in 2016 had metamorphosed and almost all those in her reality at the time didnt understand and she too was getting to know this new SELF.

It was a wild ride! Exciting and with its own challenges. Some very big.

Maybe you can relate in your own way…?

And each of our Soul’s called in our divine timing and orchestration (the how, what, when) to AWAKEN to the truth of who we really are…

And my awakening, just like yours is/was just the very beginning of the greatest unfolding on the journey!

So much has expanded since that time and continues as my consciousness expands, evolves, and more aspects of me in higher dimensions are realized and embodied ~ its a wild ride, beyond words at times, and incredibly magical!

In this beautiful human experience, there are multi-dimensional realities available to us all. Including the dimensional reality before our own awakening that felt denser/different. All dimensions explored and experienced are equally significant offering its wisdom and puzzle piece to the greater picture. 

All in divine orchestration for our soul journey and evolution.

Everything, every experience, every dimension, every awakening within the awakening offers so much expansion for our journeys as we come more and more into the realization of who we are.

And it is all a gift for US.

And truly the best is yet to come/to be realized for us all!

All of this to share, our consciousness evolves and expands at the perfect and divine timing that we as a Soul called it in to receive.

It’s truly all unfolding at the perfect time.

And by allowing ourselves to not get “too” attached to certain ways of perceiving/thinking/operating in truly allows for the greatest levels of FREEDOM on the journey.

WE, as ONE awakened collective are evolving, welcoming in

The NEW Earth

The Golden Age

The New Paradigm

Christ Consciousness

5th Dimension of PURE LOVE

And its all happening through each of our own journeys and as ONE collective.

TRULY, it is of the greatest gift to be alive on Earth at this time as we anchor in NEW Earth and for the greatest shift in human consciousness to have ever taken place. I know its not always easy, has its challenges and oh the courage it requires. But know we are all in this together, holding hands, inspiring and lifting one another up together as we RISE as ONE. And the support from the Higher Realms abundantly surrounds US!

It is an absolute honor to be on Earth with you at this time and to offer to support to you and your beautiful journey.

With Great Love and So Much Aloha,


Let’s Connect!